Lolita: Obscene or Misunderstood?

      Hello and welcome to my Action Project (AP) for my class, Forbidden Books. Our class has explored the various reasons that books have been banned and censored, diving deep into religion, diversity, and politics that conflict with different readers and published work. We even visited a comic book shop to discuss the history of censorship and expression in the realm of comic books and graphic novels. For this AP specifically, each student read a banned or challenged book of their choice in preparation for a research paper (included below). After reading our chosen book, we must decide whether it should be banned, or in what circumstances censorship would be reasonable (if any). As you will see, I chose the novel, Lolita. Fascinated by human behavior (and the dark side of it), I was naturally curious about the novel and how it might be different than the modern interpretations. Please continue on my slideshow to learn a little more about the book, its controversy, and my thoughts on what criticism is justified. 


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